"When it all comes down, you know it all comes down to doin' the walk." Steven Curtis Chapman

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Why We Thank God in All Things

Does it seem strange to give thanks to God in all circumstances? We are assured that God is working for our best in all things (Romans 8:28). That would be one reason to be thankful in every moment. But we’ve grown used to that verse, and we sometimes see it as God’s damage control plan, rather than His direct blessing.

Consider a verse that comes before it: “…the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express” (Romans 8:26).

Imagine praying, “Oh Lord! I can’t take this anymore! Please send relief!” and hovering over you, praying with deep groans of compassion, the Spirit intones, “Father, he’s beginning to crack. Keep it up until his empty shell of self-help is destroyed and he finds himself gently floating on the ocean of Your sustaining grace.”

If we trust that in all things God’s Spirit is praying for exactly the right thing, despite what seems best to us at the moment, then we really can thank God for every circumstance. We can turn from despair and wait expectantly to discern what good thing He is bringing us.

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